Freeing small business owners from operations to focus on growth.

Three speeds to get you back to expansion.


You do it.
We provide direction.

You’ve got the horsepower and bandwidth but need help on design, consistency, and focus. Weekly work sessions and strategy to create constant progress.


Your team does it.
We make sure it happens.

You’ve got a team that can do it, but you have to focus on other areas that matter. Accountability, guidance, and partnership for your team to get it done with hands-on support.


You need it done.
We do it.

You don’t want coaching or help. You need it systematized and running without having to micromanage it. Deep work by our customized team to make it happen.

Get your time back

You produce results when you focus on what you’re good at. Right now, you’re stuck fighting fires and solving problems you shouldn’t have to.

We’ve designed and implemented systems that helped companies save:

  • 400,000+ hours of staff time

  • $80M+ of unnecessary investments

  • 1,000s of customers from falling through the cracks

Have your team handle the emergencies

Prepared employees take care of your customers and your company. Make it easy for them to love what they do and produce results.

Here’s how we have employees fully own their work:

  • Understand what’s important to your employees

  • Discover what they have to deal with to get work done

  • Visualize where those issues show up

  • Standardize processes to solve multiple problems at once

  • Monitor performance with a playbook for course corrections

Drive growth without sacrificing quality

New customers want to buy from companies that make life easy. That means your operations have to work, not just look like they do.

We evolve operations so your company can:

  • Perform consistently with your values

  • Automate actions without removing personal connection

  • Prevent surprises for you and your customers

A blueprint already exists to solve what you’re dealing with.

You don’t have to figure it out on your own.

I believe in Systems over Heroic Effort.

About Matt

I work with visionary small business owners because they have unlimited growth potential. They can see where their business can go and have some initial success. They have gotten stuck being the glue that holds everything together.

It’s frustrating for them and their employees.

I am an operator and an integrator. I started Centered Performance to create stability, increase predictability, and provide healthy tension to launch visionaries forward.

For almost 20 years, I’ve helped small businesses grow. As the Chief Operating Officer, I helped grow a small business from $2M to $20M and led teams at a major consulting firm. I’ve designed and implemented repeatable systems used by 500,000+ people across 12 industries. I’ve coached hundreds of executives, managers, and talented staff to grow small businesses from every level.

We can do the same for you.

How it’s worked for our clients

  • "You have set a new bar for me in what to expect from partners and team members. The systems we've created open up a world of possibility for us."

    Cody Z.

  • "I wouldn't want to work with anyone else in the future. You understand what we're up to and are keepers of our vision. That's incredibly rare."

    Cameron L.

  • "Sessions are practical and results driven, with a clear focus on defined goals and objectives. It's nice to see some light at the end of the tunnel!"

    Scott H.

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